Thursday, November 6, 2008

Cheap Eats from Oregon Launch

As you may have noticed, food is more expensive then ever in the green state of Oregon. Most especially in Southern Oregon since we are far from a gas pipeline and miles upon miles from a gas refinery, we pay the price at the pump and at the grocery store for our food. Although a LOT of food can be grown in our state, since we are surrounded my mountains (we live in a large valley) we have to truck most of the food in for our consumption. Thankfully, we live near a large interstate and it's not hard to get things we want as the food goes north to the major metropolitan cities. 

Frankly, I am surprised at how much food costs lately, and I am struck with how few recipes I have in my repertoire that I can make that keep us within our budget. I watch Food Network like it's about to go off the air (or we might ditch the cable) but rarely does anyone make something I can afford. I mean, even though I am 1 hour from the ocean (as the crow flies) Halibut is most often about $16 a pound. Yup. A.Pound. Perhaps Food Network can pay that with ease, but I have to pull off many meals for $16. 

So this blog serves as a place for my friends and soon-to-be-friends to submit cheap eats for the greater good. So, do you have a cheap recipe I can share online? Do you have any magical tips for eating on less? Do you know of any recipes that toddlers will eat that are not in the shape of a chicken nugget? Please do not include anything with Velveeta, I cannot post that in good conscience).

Ok, so send me an e-mail, or post in the comments and if I think the recipe will fly, I will post it! 

Here's to cheap eats!

1 comment:

Imajackson said...

Feel free to comment folks! Linda, I'll show you how to comment next week.